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Resistance System Set "Prostat" Model PRS-801

PRS-801 Resistance System Set




Resistance System Set


§  Automatic Mode (Default): 0.01 volts to 10 volts Variable 1.0E-1 to 1.0E+4 Ohms


§  Accuracy: Overall: +/-<5% at ambient conditions (at 23°C and 30% Rh)


§  Multi-function 2-5/8” x 1-5/8” Liquid Crystal Display with 0.5” digit height


§  Times measurements in Seconds up to 99 seconds (Displayed on LCD)


§  Register stores up to 80 data points (MEM # Displayed after RESET)




The widest range portable constant voltage resistance instrument in today’s market, the PRS-801


is the choice of most ESD professionals. Why ? Because the PRS-801 has an outstanding performance


combination of measurement speed, wide range and accuracy.




Its constant test voltage system is extremely stable and consistent with lab level, bench top instruments.




Measurement Range


The PRS-801’s wide range offers the maximum flexibility in measurement applications. In effect, it is 3


instruments in one because it function as:


1.     A low resistance range instrument for measurements from 0.1 to 1.0x104 ohms. Most competitive


instruments do not measure accurately at or below 1.0x103 ohms. Thus, the typical ESD practitioner


must carry a DMM for low resistance checks of ground connections.




To ensure-field accuracy, the PRS-801CC Calibration Shunt is used to confirm and adjust the accuracy


of its 0.1 to 10 ohm resistance range.




2.    Wide range audit instrument to meet ANSI/ESD S20.20 and TR53 procedures from 1.0x103 to 1.0x1011 ohms.




Measurement guidelines require accurate measurements from one decade below to one decade above


the resistance requirements of a facility’s ESD program. The PRS-801 easily exceeds this requirement by


as much as 3 decades, depending on program requirements.




3.    Precision high resistance measurement instrument for Packaging to S541 Standards, material and product


testing and acceptance verification. Few competitive instruments can measure accurately up to or beyond


1.0x1011 ohms, while the PRS-801 comfortably measures up to 2.0x1014 ohms. There are no audit instruments


or laboratory bench top instruments that perform in the PRS-801’s wide range.




Measurement Flexibility


Connect to Virtually any 2-wire Fixture or electrode configuration.




The PRS-801’s simple 3/4 inch terminal spacing provides connectivity to a variety of electrodes and fixtures.


§  Terminal design allows use of mechanically shielded or non-shielded banana plug leads


§  BNC adapters with 3/4 inch spacing mount directly to the PRS-801 terminals for measurements with wide range probes and fixtures


§  An instrument reference allows use of a third wire instrument reference to minimize effects of extraneous

fields on precision fixture measurements




Measurement Speed: Electrification Period


The PRS-801 is one of the fastest measurement instruments in today’s precision measurement market. Laboratory


tests confirm the PRS-801 can measure from 0 to 1.0x1012 ohms in 2.5 seconds. Thus, its specified electrification


period (EP) is 8 seconds in accordance with ANSI/ESD STM 11.11 Surface Resistance of Planar Materials.


Furthermore, its EP is automatically adjusted to insure a stable measurement is displayed.







Resistance from 0.1 (1.0E-1) Ohms to 200 Tera ohms (2.0E+14 ohms). Maximum Resistivity with ANSI/ESD STM S11.11 concentric ring 2.0E+15 ohms/square.


Test Voltage

Automatic Mode (Default): 0.01 volts to 10 volts Variable 1.0E-1 to 1.0E+4 Ohms


Constant Voltage

10 volts: +/-<0.2 volts 1.0E+4 to <1.0E+6 Ohms

100 volts: +/-<2.0 volts 1.0E+6 to 2.0E+14 Ohms


Manual Mode

0.01 volts to 10 volts Variable 1.0E-1 to <1.0E+5 Ohms:10 Volts:+/-<0.2 volts 1.0E+2 to 1.0E+9 Ohms

100 volts:+/-<2.0 volts 2.0E+5 to 2.0E+14 Ohms


Overall: +/-<5% at ambient conditions (at 23°C and 30% Rh).


Nominal Range Tolerances

1.0E-1 to 1.0E+1 ohms: +/-5% Corrected for Test Lead Resistance

1.0E+1 to 1.0E+12 ohms: +/-2.0% with 10-foot Test Leads

1.0E+12 to 2.0E+14 ohms: <30% or +/-0.25 Decade with grounded, shielded leads



Multi-function 2-5/8” X 1-5/8” Liquid Crystal Display with 0.5” digit height.

Display 3-1/2 digits in Ohms, or 1.0EXX in exponential format.

Ohms Display Indicators: Ω, KΩ, MΩ, GΩ and TΩ. Includes 19-segment analog scale (1-10 with 0.5 indication) with x1, x10, & x100 multipliers.

Number of Data Points in Memory (0-80).

Automatic Electrification Time (seconds), or Time required to Manually obtain steady state measurement.

Displays data HOLD, BATTERY status, MIN, MAX, AVG, REC and Test Voltage (<10, 10, or 100 V)


LED Indicators

14 Color LED’s from <103 to >1014 ohms.




Times measurements in Seconds up to 99 seconds (Displayed on LCD)



Register stores up to 80 data points (MEM# Displayed after RESET)


RS-232 Output

Digital format: Exponential Power followed by Integer



สินค้านี้ถูกบันทึกอยู่ในรายการสินค้าเมื่อ 25 ธันวาคม, 2020.
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