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Radiation Dosimeter "Ecotest" Model MKS-05

Dosimeter-Radiometer MKS-05




Branches of Use


·       Customs and Border Service


·       Law enforcement agencies (Army, Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Security Services, Guard services)


·       Emergency Services and Civil Defense


·       Vehicles monitoring, seaports and airports


·       Environmental inspectorates


·       Sanitary and epidemiological services


·       Radiological laboratories


·       Labor protection


·       Medicine


·       Educational programs




Purpose of Use


·       Measurement of gamma and X-ray radiation ambient dose equivalent rate (DER).


·       Measurement of gamma and X-ray radiation ambient dose equivalent (DE).


·       Measurement of surface beta-particles flux density.


·       Measurement of ambient dose equivalent accumulation time.


·       Real time measurement (clock), alarm clock.






·       Big display with luminescent backlight.


·       Simultaneous indication of units of measurement, measurement errors, threshold level and real time on the display.

·       Analog ten-segment indicator of registered radiation intensity.


·       Ability to perform measurements with a preset error.


·       Four-level indication of battery discharge.


·       Built-in memory which allows storing up to 1200 measurements.


·       Mode of PC connection via Bluetooth.


·       Five independent measuring channels with alternate indication of data on the single liquid crystal display.


·       Built-in gamma, beta sensitive Geiger-Muller counter.


·       Prompt evaluation of gamma background within 10 seconds.


·       Automatic subtraction of gamma background at measurement of beta contamination.


·       Measurement results averaging, manually and automatically interrupted.


·       Automatic setting of measurement intervals and ranges.


·       Audio, vibration and vibration-audio alarm of each detected gamma-quantum or beta-particle that can be switched off.


·       Two-tone audio, vibration and vibration-audio alarm of exceeded programmed threshold levels.


·       Two AAA batteries.


·       Shock-resistant body.


·       Small weight and dimension parameters.




Delivery Kit


·       MKS-05 “TERRA” dosimeter-radiometer;


·       Operating manual;


·       Leather case;


·       “Cadmium ECOMONITOR” software;


·       Packing box.




“Cadmium ECOMONITOR” Software


Is used for:


·       Readout of measurement results from the dosimeter memory into the PC as a dosimeter measurement protocol;


·       Viewing measurement results on the PC monitor, preparation and printout of the report, saving measurement results to a file without changes or as a report for further use.



This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 28 August, 2018.
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Nanomachinery Co., Ltd.
4, Soi Petchkasem 100 ,Phetchkasem Rd. ,Bangkaenue ,Bangkae ,Bangkok, 10160, THAILAND.
Tel : 086-322-6876 ,02-421-9927 ,Fax : 02-809-2591 E-mail : pongthorn@nano-machinery.com
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