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Panel Indicator "Dynisco" Model 1490-4-0-0-0-0



1490 5 Digit 1/8 DIN


Panel Indicator






·        Universal Input

·           Min/Max Value Hold


·        2 Alarm Outputs

·           Modbus Communications


·        Retransmission

·           Transmitter Power supply






The 1490 is a Universal Input Indicator with single or dual configurable alarms, optional linear


retransmission of Process Variable, Transmitter power supply option as well as optional Modbus






Technical Data




Output Configuration

1 or 2 relay outputs, with optional linear retransmission


2 process high/low with adjustable hysteresis

Viewable Values

Process variable, maximum value, minimum value

Human Interface

3 button operation, 5 digit 13mm high display red, green, 2 alarm indicator



J, K, C, R, S, T, B, L, N & PtRh20%vsPtRh40%


3 Wire PT100, 50Ω per lead maximum (balanced)

Strain Gauge

350 Ohm Strain Gage

   Bridge Connection:

4 or 6 wire (6 to use internal shunt cal switch)

   Bridge Excitation:

10V +/-7%

   Bridge Sensitivity:

1.4 – 4 mV/V

   Input Signal Span:

-25% to +125% of full scale (approximately -10mV to +50mV)


Internal switch between CAL2 & CAL1 terminals. External resistor only.

   Shunt Value:

From 40% to 100%

DC Linear

0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA, 0 to 50mV, 10 to 50mV,

0 to 5V, 1 to 5V, 0 to 10V, 2 to 10V.


1999 to 99999, with adjustable decimal point


>10MΩ for Thermocouple and mV ranges, 47KΩ for V ranges and 5Ω for mA ranges


+/-0.1% of input range +/-1LSD (T/C CJC better than 1C)


10 per second, 16 bit resolution approximately (100ms sample time)

Sensor Break Detection

<2 seconds (except zero based DC ranges),

high alarms activate for T/C, RTD and mV ranges,

low alarms activate for mA or V ranges


Alarm Relays

Contact Single Relay SPDT 2 Amp resistive at 240V AC, >500,000 operations.

Latching or non-latching. Dual Relay SPST 2 Amp resistive at 240V >200,000 operations. Reinforced safety isolation from inputs and other outputs.

DC Linear Retransmit



0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA into 500Ω max, 0 to 10V,

2 to 10V, 0 to 5V into 500Ω min.

15 ¾ bit (1 part in 52K) and updated at about 65ms intervals. (130ms settling time)

Stability: +/-76ppm

Transmitter Power



Output 24VDC (nominal) into 910Ω minimum to power external devices

Serial Communications

2 Wire RS485, 1200 to 19200 Baud, Modbus

Logic Input

External reset of latched relay, stored alarm 1 elapsed time, stored min/max PV values or initiate tare function. Action occurs on high (3 to 5VDC) to low <0.8VDC, or Open to Closed transition.


Temperature & RH

0 to 55C (-20 to 80C storage), 20% to 95% RH non-condensing

Power Supply

85 to 264V 50/60Hz 7.5VA (optional 20 to 48V AC 7.5VA/22 to 65V DC 5 watts)

Front Panel Protection

IEC IP66 (Behind panel protection is IP20)


CE. Pollution Degree 2, Installation Category II “UL Listed”.



This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 08 June, 2016.
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Nanomachinery Co., Ltd.
4, Soi Petchkasem 100 ,Phetchkasem Rd. ,Bangkaenue ,Bangkae ,Bangkok, 10160, THAILAND.
Tel : 086-322-6876 ,02-421-9927 ,Fax : 02-809-2591 E-mail : pongthorn@nano-machinery.com
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