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Wind Watcher Data Logger $1,591.66


Wind Watcher Data Logger w/#40

The WindWatcher provides basic wind speed, and wind power density information in an easy-to-install,easy-to-use package. Instantaneous and historical wind data are available at the touch of a button. Stored data can be used for prediction or verification of wind turbine performance. The addition of a NRG #200P wind vane (optional) will provide wind direction data - remember a 3 conductor signal cable and mounting mast are required when adding a vane. Inexpensive totalizers or weather stations that provide only average wind speed don't give a complete picture of your site's wind energy potential. The WindWatcher provides a professional quality, complete assessment.The WindWatcher includes a #40 anemometer, 30 m cable, 406 mm (16 inches) sensor stub mast, grounding cable, Dcell battery and enclosure.



ü      Simple to use

ü      Inexpensive turbine performance verification

ü      Operates on a single D-cell battery for one year

ü       Calculates power in the wind




1. Description

Instrument type 2 channel micropower wind energy monitor

Applications small wind turbine performance monitoring; wind resource assessment

Sensor compatibility – counter channels NRG #40 Maximum anemometer; IceFreeII Electrically Heated Anemometer

Sensor compatibility – analog channels NRG 200P direction vane

2. Data Collection

Counter channels Anemometer channel dedicated for NRG #40 Maximum anemometer or IceFreeII Electrically Heated Anemometer

Analog channels Wind vane channel dedicated for NRG 200P direction vane

Sampling interval 2 seconds

Averaging interval accumulated monthly average

Real time clock clock retained in non-volatile memory

Storage medium internal non-volatile memory

Maximum data storage 1 year

Parameters recorded for each


l monthly wind speed average

l monthly maximum wind speed

l monthly average power density

l monthly power density speed

l monthly wind direction average

Data delivery On-screen


3. Resolution

Displayed resolution l speeds: 0.1 m/s or 0.1 mph, user selectable

l direction to 1 degree

Analog measurement resolution approx 0.5 degree

Counter average stored resolution 0.1 m/s (0.1 mph)

Analog average stored resolution 1 degree

Min / Max stored resolution 0.1 m/s (0.1 mph)


4. Configuration

User interface l Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) 2 x 20 characters

l 4 navigation buttons

l on-screen menus

Configurable parameters l display units

l sensor type (#40 or IceFree II)

l clock



Sensor wiring terminal block on back of unit

6.Power requirements

Supply voltage 1.5 V

Supply current 1 mA

Batteries 1.5 V alkaline D-cell



Mounting l Mounts with 4 screws into any US standard 2-gang electrical box

l surface-mount enclosure included

Tools required Screwdriver for sensor terminals and mounting screws (included)

Accessories 200P wind direction vane, sensor mounting booms



Operating temperature range -40 °C to 65 °C (-40 °F to 149 °F); display readable -20 °C to 60 °C (-4 °F to 140 °F)

Operating humidity range 0 to 100% RH non-condensing

Lifespan 10 years +



Weight 0.34 kg (0.75 pounds)

Dimensions 11.9 cm x 11.9 cm (4.7 inches x 4.7 inches)



Faceplate Injection molded white ABS

Buttons Blue ABS

Display l Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) 2 x 16 characters

l display readable from -20 °C to 60 °C (-4 °F to 140 °F)

Wiring panel zinc plated terminal screws

Enclosure l 2-gang surface-mount electrical box, UL approved




This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 07 March, 2007.
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Nanomachinery Co., Ltd.
4, Soi Petchkasem 100 ,Phetchkasem Rd. ,Bangkaenue ,Bangkae ,Bangkok, 10160, THAILAND.
Tel : 086-322-6876 ,02-421-9927 ,Fax : 02-809-2591 E-mail : pongthorn@nano-machinery.com
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