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Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge with Data Recorder "GE" model DM5E DL




The DM5E Family of Corrosion Thickness Gauges

A Range of High Performance, Reliable and Easy-to-Use Instruments


The DM5E family is the latest generation of portable corrosion monitoring thickness gauges from GE

Sensing & Inspection Technologies. It offers significant improvement in performance over previous

corrosion thickness gauges in terms of better thickness measurement stability and repeatability at

normal and elevated temperatures. It has been designed for operation in the harshest of working

environments, performing wall thickness measurements on pipelines, pressure vessels and storage

tanks in the oil and gas industry, as well as the petrochemical and power generation sectors.


Three Levels

There are three versions in the DM5E Family, which offer three levels of functionality:

*    DM5E Basic

*    DM5E

*    DM5E DL



The DM5E DL is identical to the DM5E but features a built-in datalogger supporting grid style data

file formats. This is capable of holding up to 50,000 readings. Files can be transferred to a PC by

means of a Mini USB Com port. Files can also be imported directly into Microsoft Excel through a

macro. All alphanumeric data for filenames and notes is directly entered via the key pad. Both the

basic and standard versions are field-upgradeable to become DL versions.


A Range of Measurements Displays

All versions of the DM5E offer a range of measurement displays.

These include:

*    Normal: the thickness value appears as large digits in the centre of the display.


*    MIN Scan: a minimum thickness scan that allows the user to run the probe over the wall surface.

     After the evaluation period, the minimum material thickness measured is displayed.


*    MAX Scan: a maximum thickness scan is exactly the same as a MIN Scan apart from the fact

     that the maximum thickness measured is displayed.


*    DIFF/RR%: compares the measured thickness with a user-specified nominal thickness. The

     dimensional difference between the two values is displayed, as is the percentage difference.


*    B-Scan: displays a graphic representation of a B-Scan showing minimum thickness values.

     The graph is derived by measuring and recording at 1 point per second.


This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 29 January, 2013.
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Nanomachinery Co., Ltd.
4, Soi Petchkasem 100 ,Phetchkasem Rd. ,Bangkaenue ,Bangkae ,Bangkok, 10160, THAILAND.
Tel : 086-322-6876 ,02-421-9927 ,Fax : 02-809-2591 E-mail : pongthorn@nano-machinery.com
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